Android News App v2.0.0

Thank you for purchasing my android app. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page.

Latest Android Studio version is recommended, which can be downloaded from here:

Press Download button:

Check the terms and conditions then download to your computer.

1. Open Android Studio > Open an Existing Android Studio Project > Select Your Project folder

You can change it easily from Android Studio. Here are the steps: You can change it easily from Android Studio. Here are the steps:

  1. In the Project pane, click on the little gear icon.Uncheck/Deselect the Compact Empty Middle Packages option.
  2. Your package directory will now be broken up in individual directories.
  3. Individually select each directory you want to rename, and: Right-click itSelect RefactorClick on RenameIn the Pop-up dialog.
  4. Click on Rename Package instead of Rename Directory Enter the new name and hit RefactorAllow a minute to let Android Studio update all changes.
  5. Now open your build.gradle (Usually 'app' or 'mobile'). Update the applicationId to your Package Name and Sync Gradle, if it hasn't already been updated automatically.
  6. Note: When renaming com in Android Studio, it might give a warning. In such case, selectRename All.

In the Project pane, click on the little gear icon.Uncheck/Deselect the Compact Empty Middle Packages option.

Your package directory will now be broken up in individual directories.

Individually select each directory you want to rename, and: Right-click itSelect RefactorClick on RenameIn the Pop-up dialog.

Click on Rename Package instead of Rename Directory Enter the new name and hit RefactorAllow a minute to let Android Studio update all changes.

Now open your build.gradle (Usually 'app' or 'mobile'). Update the applicationId to your Package Name and Sync Gradle, if it hasn't already been updated automatically. Note: When renaming com in Android Studio, it might give a warning. In such case, select Rename All.


Change App name

Open Android Studio >News Application> res > values > strings.xml:

Change App Launcher Icon

Open Android Studio -> New -> Image Asset

Follow these images:

Change App Image Title

Go to your admin -> Settings and in line App Logo, upload image for app image title

For change Site URL

Go to app/src/main/java/yourpackagename/

Change it to your SITE_URL

IMPORTANT!!! Last / (slash) in url required!!! example:

Please follow images







Click next -> next



Server Key and Sender Id


Select Google and set Enabled


In Firebase open Auth section

On the Sign in method tab, enable the Facebook sign-in method and specify the App ID and App Secret you got from Facebook.

see video:

copy your facebook app id and put it on string.xml line 123 and 124


Confirm your account, from message of site

Click Button App/Website

Set your Application Name

Open Firebase Console -> Settings -> Cloud Messaging,

Open app/src/main/java/yourpackage/ and put your Onesignal Application Id, see image:

!important, for Android 8+ you need create Group and Category, follow images:

copy your CHANNEL_ID and put it on -> Settings in field Android Channel Id

See image:


Follow images

Scroll down and select Youtube API v3

Click Enable


Copy your Your Api Key and click Done

Then: Go to -> Settings in section Youtube Settings, put your youtube api key


Open Android Studio -> Your News App project

Follow images

Important!!! This method works only for debug APK, for release APK go to:

Open your Google Developer Console.

Follow images:

Copy SHA1 and SHA256 and put it on project setting in Firebase, download file google-services.json from Firebase and put it on app folder in your News App project

Or see video:

Thanks, VelozX for resolve this.

Go to:

if you not registered, register first and follow images

Go to your admin panel -> settings -> in section Advertisement put your admob ads ids

See image:

Open Android Studio -> your News App

Click menu Build -> select Generate Signed Bundle / APK

Follow images

Choose your User Folder, put name of your keystore and click OK

Once you will publish your app to Google Play or any other Android store, send us your app link. We will happy to showcase your app into our CodeCanyon page.


See app/build.gradle


Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this app. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this app. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the apps on CodeCanyon, you might consider visiting the "FAQ / Support" section and asking your question in the "Comments" section at CodeCanyon app detail page.